This week I was looking at other web design blogs and came across the term ‘cinemagraphs‘. These are a mixture of a still looking photo and animation by Jamie Beck and Kevin Burg. I decided I had to have a go at making some of my cinemagraphs as these are a great digital art form. On Saturday I took the train into London and took some cinematography footage on the tube. I also tested it on my cat. These are a great way to display photographs, if you played them on a digital photo frame they would look like the pictures in Harry Potter. I will sure be making some more cinemagraphs when I have the time, so please check back for updates, if you would like to use our art work in your own blog please link back to MGT Design.

cinemagraph man on tube

cinemagraph girl on tube

cinemagraph camden underground

cinemagraph camden underground black and white

cinemagraph animated catgif